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Monday, May 21, 2007

Word A Day - Billingsgate

Monday, May 21, 2007
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Fellow Logophiles,

Good morning! It's time for another Reader's Digest word
power quiz. In a tribute to Bob Dylan's upcoming birthday,
this quiz features words that he infused in his autobio-
graphical "Chronicles, Volume One." See if you know the
meanings of the following words. I'll publish the answers
on Wednesday.

1. cryptic (adj.) - A: close to death. B: sarcastic.
C: causing illness. D: mysterious.

2. zeal (n.) - A: fervor. B: high point. C: witty remark.
D: closure.

3. renounce (v.) - A: to criticize sharply. B: give up.
C: restate. D: break, as in an agreement.

4. bucolic (adj.) - A: pastoral. B: marked by constant cry-
ing. C: hard-working. D: idle.

5. firebrand (n.) - A: dragon. B: type of small handgun.
C: agitator. D: large, heavy skillet.

6. citadel (n.) - A: house of worship. B: lighthouse.
C: military university. D: stronghold.

7. gaunt (adj.) - A: clumsy. B: very tall. C: very thin.
D: very muscled.

8. transcend (v.) - A: to rise above. B: change forms.
C: send, as with a signal. D: move slowly.

9. affirmation (n.) - A: military unit. B: legal statement.
C: act of validation. D: related item.

10. vernacular (n.) - A: type of receptacle. B: moon phase.
C: local dialect. D: wart.

11. deity (n.) - A: person trying to lose weight. B: supreme
being. C: devil. D: clue.

12. debauched (adj.) - A: corrupted. B: unusual.
C: questioned closely. D: powerful.

13. retract (v.) - A: to assault quickly. B: review.
C: redraw, as with a map. D: take back.

14. antebellum (adj.) - A: anti-war. B: connected to the
roof of a house. C: pre-Civil War. D: agricultural.

15. portico (n.) - A: porch-like structure. B: creeping vine.
C: navigator's perch on a ship. D: backyard.



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WORD: billingsgate BIL-ingz-gayt (noun)

: Coarsely abusive or foul language.

SYNONYMS: * profanity
* imprecation
* execration

WORD WISE: Billingsgate is so called after Billingsgate, a
former market in London celebrated for fish and foul

QUOTE: "Chaney would yell at him in his own particular
patois -- an unapologetic stream of billingsgate far more
creative than Marine drill instructors or master rappers."
--George Vecsey, "Learning at Temple: Se Habla Chaneyism,"
New York Times, March 19, 2000


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BONUS WORD OF THE DAY: paladin dis-KUR-siv (adjec-

: A knight-errant; a distinguished champion of a medieval
king or prince; as, the paladins of Charlemagne.
: A champion of a cause.

Paladin derives from Late Latin palatinus, "an officer of
the palace," from Latin palatium, "royal residence, palace,"
from Palatium, one of the seven hills of Rome, on which
Augustus had his residence.


1) argillaceous or jil aa shes (adjective)
: clayey; containing clay

From Greek argillos "clay" + Latin -aceous meaning
resembling or relating to.

2) pinguedinous ping gwed in es (adjective)
: fatty

From Latin pinguis "fat."

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