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Monday, May 21, 2007

Gizmorama - Rare stork hatches in Japan

Gizmorama - Rare stork hatches in Japan
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Rare stork hatches in Japan

When an Oriental white stork broke out of its eggshell recently
it marked the first time one of the rare birds hatched in the
wild in Japan in 43 years. The new chick, which emerged from
its shell in a nest atop a nearly 40-foot tall pole in western
Japan, was born to parents who were the product of artificial
insemination, the BBC reported Sunday. Oriental white storks,
which are officially designated a national treasure in Japan,
were wiped out in the country by the 1980s. Conservationists
have been rebuilding the endangered species with the help of
birds donated by Russia. About a dozen of storks born in
captivity and released but the new chick is the first known to
have been born in the wild in Japan since 1964, the BBC said.

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International Space Update

NASA has started testing an underwater robot in El Zacaton, one
of the deepest sinkholes on Earth. El Zacaton, located near the
Gulf coast in northeastern Mexico, is almost 1,000 feet deep,
and the ideal location for testing. In the next two weeks, NASA
plans to have the DEPTHX robot take water and soil samples from
varying depths of the sinkhole. NASA wants the DEPTHX robot to
search Europa, one of Jupiter's icy moons. Scientists are extremely
confident there is water on the moons, but want to discover if
they can find signs of life. Scientists believe large areas of
snow and ice melted in west Antarctica in January 2005 due to
warming temperatures. While extensive melting took place in a
number of locations, the size of the affected regions is the
equivalent to the size of California, said NASA scientists and
university researchers. The snow melt occurred far inland, at
high altitude and high elevation, in a location where scientists
previously said they didn't believe melt would happen. The location
had temperatures up to 41 degrees in certain locations. The
first Malaysian astronauts will soon head to NASA for three
weeks of additional space training. Science Minister Jamaluddin
Jarjis announced the two Malaysian astronauts will participate in
intensive training aimed at teaching them work procedures for when
they will be stationed on the International Space Station. The
two will also learn to be familiar with the American portion of
the ISS. Faiz Khaleed, 26, and Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, 34,
are currently training at the Russian space agency's Moscow
Star City facility.

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Cat-trapping program to save marsh rabbits

In an effort to save a small rabbit native to the Florida Keys,
authorities are putting in place a program to trap feral cats
in the area. The population of marsh rabbits on Big Pine Key
has dwindled by 50 percent over the last two years, The Miami
Herald reported. Local authorities fear this subspecies, named
Sylvilagus palustris hefneri after Playboy magazine founder
Hugh Hefner for his 1980s efforts to help save their habitat,
is in danger of disappearing altogether. This week, authorities
plan to set 30 to 40 live-traps for stray and feral cats, who
are known to feed on the marsh rabbits. But, the Herald
reported, some local cat-loving residents are upset about
the trapping plans. "We don't want to kill cats. We want to
preserve rabbits," said Bernice Constantin, state director of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture unit that is implementing
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife trapping program. Once the cats
are trapped, the Herald reported, they will be sent to a no-
kill shelter to be spayed or neutered, and vaccinated. The
most docile ones will go up for adoption. Only very sick or
injured felines will be euthanized.


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