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Friday, May 25, 2007

Primed To Succeed

Biggest Online Trend Ever

Ultimately, it's up to you.

Everything you need to make a profitable decision, right now, is on this page. In fact, this online video company is the only publicly traded company in the entire sector. In the next 12 to 18 months, that'll translate into huge gains as Wall Street joins in.

You probably already know online video is the fastest growing part of the internet. Google just spent 1.6 billion dollars on YouTube in one of the biggest buys in internet history.

And that's just for starters. When Google snapped up YouTube, Wall Street was left in the dust. But don't think for a minute it'll happen again.

(image) Quantum Investor Logo

GoFish Corporation (GOFH: OTCBB) is the only publicly trading online video company, and the leader in made-for-internet programming.

And it's about to really go ballistic.

In the coming months we'll see:

  • NASDAQ listing, which means much more exposure, access to capital, and institutional coverage from Wall Street.
  • Huge exposure as the company unveils additional online programming, including online versions of the Bachelor, Dancing With the Stars and American Idol.
  • Extreme sports, strategic partnerships for exclusive content, and syndication deals.

I'm projecting double-digit gains in the next twelve months. After that, all bets are off.

Wall Street's champing at the bit to get into online video, and this is their only chance. My members and I already have impressive gains in the stock, but it's nothing compared to what we'll see in the coming months.

Put it this way: If the online video business weren't lucrative, Google never would have spent $1.6 billion to get into the business.

With GoFish, we've got a unique opportunity for big gains in a short amount of time.

If you agree with my rationale, sign up for my free advisory. I'll forward you my complimentary full report on GoFish.

But please, act now for your copy:


Brian Hicks

PS: The company is already taking off. Just seven months ago it ranked number 13,000 on the internet. Today its rank is 893 out of every website on the net.

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