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Your daily guide of sensual satisfaction for
Monday, May 21, 2007
Is the campaign to stop illegal immigration an example
of racism?
Go to the following link to cast your vote!
<a href=" http://rd.gophercentral.com/al/a?aid=7541&ent=2501 ">
Question of the Week</a>
A very warm welcome from Carmen Sutra:
All forms of media from the time we are toddlers (Disney
movies) to present day (romantic comedies) would have us
believe that once you find your Prince Charming, you live
happily ever after. Anyone in a relationship in the real
world knows this isn't reality. But no one talks about it.
No one prepares you for the doldrums, the letdowns, and
emotional roller coaster that is coupledom. Well, I'm here
to tell 'ya the truth, Carmen-style.
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Today's Topic: What They Don't Tell You
1. It's normal to feel lonely in a relationship - No one talks
about this! The thing is, society sets us up with this notion
that coupledom = completeness (Hello, Jerry Maguire) In reality,
this couldn't be farther than the truth. You must, must, must
have your own interests and be interesting all on your own.
After all, if you don't think you're interesting, why should
anyone else?
Regardless, though, it is normal to feel lonely within a
relationship from time to time. It might hit you at various
stages in the relationship or for seemingly no reason at all.
It might catch you off-guard and you might wonder why you feel
this way if you are in a wonderful relationship. It's OKAY TO
FEEL LONELY OCCASIONALLY. It's an existential crisis, if you
will, really. We are in relationships, yet our own people. We
are always on our own, even within a union. Does that make
sense? I say all that to say that is normal to feel lonely
from time to time.
All that being said, though, listen to yourself and pay
attention to the frequency of your feelings. Feeling lonely
every once in a while is normal, but if you feel this way on
a regular basis and for extended periods of time, take a
closer look at the relationship.
2. You're sure you made a mistake - A marriage is supposed to
symbolize the union of two hearts forever. What could be more
romantic than that, right? The truth is the first year of
marriage is often the most difficult for some couples. There
are many, many adjustments to make and you can't always anti-
cipate how you will feel or react to new situations. I assure
you it is completely normal to, at some point in the first
year, wonder if you've made a big mistake. Don't give up.
Remember long-term relationships have their ups and downs.
3. Loving/Not being able to stand your partner at the same
time - I've heard long-term couples say this time and time
and time again. You can absolutely love your partner and
absolutely detest then at the exact same time. For instance,
maybe your partner's nagging or insistence on leaving
dirty clothes on the floor is working your very last nerve.
It's OKAY TO FEEL BLOODY HELL ANGER and love your partner
at the same time. People don't tell you this.
4. Don't be fooled by the romance - A friend of mine has a
beautiful six-month old baby and wanted me to add this gem.
Her husband was extremely attentive and romantic throughout
the pregnancy and she wanted me to forewarn other expectant
mothers: the romance doesn't necessarily last. The lovey-
dovey behavior isn't automatically a preview of coming
attractions after the star is born. After all, babies DO
change everything. The late-night feedings, schedule changes,
and sleep deprivation can zap the romance in record time.
My friend just wanted you to know.
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What are some words of wisdom you would like to share? What
are some taboo relationship issues no one tells you about?
What are some relationship secrets? Share your insight and
I will publish your feedback on Friday. Before we go, though,
I really want to reiterate something. It's okay to feel
these things OCCASIONALLY, but again, listen to yourself
and the frequency of said feelings. If you experience these
things often or for extended periods of time, there might
be a bigger issue. That's it for now, my peeps. Stay tuned
for Wednesday when we will discuss masturbatory toys for
the boys. As always, I remain...
Devotedly yours,
Carmen Sutra
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*********************WEEKLY VIDEO CLIP**********************
A police officer calls 911 and asks for an ambulance after
injesting pot-laced brownies. He stole the pot from a bust
and baked the brownies with his wife. He was convinced they
were dying because 'time was going so slow.'
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Viral Videos on the Net at EVTV1.com
<a href="http://www.evtv1.com/">EVTV1.com</a>
Questions? Comments? email us at: mailto:carmen@gophercentral.com
<a href="mailto:carmen@gophercentral.com">email Carmen</a>
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