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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Amit, Wealth Builder Series #5

.... "Select Your Interest Rate!"

Hi Amit,

There is a TON of money to be
made in the currency markets
with daily interests, but few
people know about it!

Let's take a look at how interest
works: Every country or union
sets its' own interest rate for
the currency used in that country,
just like the Federal Reserve sets
the prime rate for the U.S. Dollar.
For example, suppose the USD currently
has an annual yield 5% which was decided
by the Federal Reserve. And suppose the
Swiss Franc currently yields 3%, decided
by their government. One charges you
interest… the other pays you interest
and the difference, in this case 2%
annually, is yours to keep. Interest
is paid daily!

People mistakenly believe 2% annually
is nothing special because they can
get more than that at the bank. What
they fail to realize is that this
interest is paid on the Leveraged
amount you have in the market! We'll
explain leveraging later in detail,
but for now here is a quick overview:
Let's suppose you deposit $2,000 in
your trading account and choose to
allocate 10% ($200) to leverage 200:1
($200 x 200 = $40,000). In this scenario
you are controlling $40,000 in the open
market, earning 2% interest on $40,000.

$40,000 x 2% = $800.00
$800.00 profit on a $2,000.00 investment =
40% annual return Compare: $2000.00 in
a bank at 5% per year would take 28 years
to earn $800.00. Now that's powerful!
Take a look at our website, and be sure
to click on the presentation on the home
page. In the next email we'll discuss this
Forex Investment Strategy's awesome rewards
program that has been designed for you to
earn money to invest!

~Watch Presentation~

Your Partner In Success,

Mark A. Molina


"About 3 years ago, I purchased a trading
system for several thousands of dollars, only
to realize that there were a few actors that
were not clearly told to me at the seminar.
The first was that I would need to stay up at
night to be able to make the trades because
11pm - 4am is when the market is most active,
and while I was up, I needed to be watching
the computer monitor every few minutes to check
the buying signals. Needless to say, after about
six weeks of stress , I packed up the system
with the plan not to reopen it till I retired.

When this Forex Investment Strategy was brought
to me by one of my friends, my interest was
re-awakened. I couldn't believe how easy this
software is to use. Based on a just few parameters
I enter into the software, it tells me what and
how much to initially purchase, and then tells
me at what point to set my account to "automatically"
sell or buy more. I then enter this information
into my brokers software, and wait till I am notified
by email or text-message after a sale or purchase
happens. No more watching the computer all night
and being stressed out.
I love it!

Las Vegas, NV

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