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Friday, March 28, 2008

Get Paid To Socialize

Hi there!

Are you one of the millions of people who use MySpace or Facebook to keep in contact with friends and family? What if I told you you could make money for doing that? Well you can! Yuwie is a new social networking site like MySpace and Facebook that allows you socialize with others like you already do, but with one big difference - you GET PAID for doing so. That's right, you GET PAID to socialize! Every time someone views your profile, pictures, comments, friends, blog, etc. you make money. Oh, and did I mention that you can also GET PAID to refer other people to Yuwie? For every friend, family member, classmate, or anybody else you know that you refer to them, you make money anytime that person's profile, pictures, etc. are viewed. You also make money every time that person refers someone and they make money, and that person refers someone and they make money and so on up to 10 levels deep. Pretty amazing, huh? You don't have to take my word for it though. Simply visit the link below, sign up, and start GETTING PAID for doing what you already do!

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