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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Your Urgent Assistance Please!

Dear Friend,
My name is Mr.Adams Muda, I am the chief Accountant of a reputable
bank here in
Nigeria. I would want to use this medium after going through your profile to
seek for foreign assistance in a business transaction which is of
mutual benefit.

My Client Late Engr Edward Witney, who is from United States of
America an Oil
Merchant/Contractor with the Federal Government of Nigeria, until his death in
a ship mishap, who banked with us at our Bank and had a closing
balance of (US$28,500,000.00) million which the bank now expect any of his
available next of kin to claim.

To this regards, I have been directedby the board of Trustees of the bank to
notify the deceased next of kin, which i have done and found out that
he has no
next of kin.
which means that this funds will be lost to the government, which we all know
will be stolen.

In order to avert this development, myself and some of my trusted
colleagues in
the bank now seek your indulgence to have you stand as late Engr Edward Witney
next of kin so that the fund will be Subsequently transferred and paid into
your foreign account.On indicating your interest,all documents and proofs to
enable you get this funds will be carefully worked out and we are assuring you
a 100% risk
free transaction.

You will be allowed to retain 30% of the total amount after the
transaction. If
this proposal is okay by you, and you wish to take advantage of the trust
bestowed on you,kindly forward me with the following.


To enable me furnish you with relevant details to this transaction.My Phone
Number is +234-8023054768

I awaits your Urgent Reply,

Best regards.
Adams Muda.

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