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Friday, November 2, 2007

[Slashdot] Headlines for 2007-11-03

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Slashdot Daily Headline Mailer

Picture Passwords More Secure than Text
from the my-scribble-is-my-password dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Thursday November 01, @20:30 (Security)

Students Assigned to Write Wikipedia Articles
from the term-papers-that-live-on dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Thursday November 01, @21:53 (Education)

Kmart Drops Blu-Ray Players
from the priced-out-of-the-competition dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Thursday November 01, @23:26 (Movies)

Seagate Offers Refunds on 6.2 Million Hard Drives
from the making-things-right dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Friday November 02, @00:55 (Data Storage)

Over-50s Invade the Social Networking Scene
from the old-folks-have-friends-too dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Friday November 02, @04:47 (The Internet)

Eleven Finalists in Pentagon's Robotic Rally
from the you-must-be-this-safe-to-ride dept.
posted by CowboyNeal on Friday November 02, @07:26 (Robotics)

Ubuntu Dev Summit Lays Out Plans For Hardy Heron
from the hee-such-humorous-names dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @08:36 (Debian)

Leopard Early Adopters Suffer For The Rest of Us
from the working-the-kinks-out dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @09:12 (OS X)

U.of Oregon Says No to RIAA
from the always-a-good-feeling-right dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @09:56 (The Courts)

Napster - Music Subsciptions Are Overrated
from the hope-they-don't-pull-your-access dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @10:30 (Music)

Genetic Modification Produces Mighty Mouse
from the always-liked-danger-mouse-and-duckula-better dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @11:15 (Sci-Fi)

Super-Magnet Sheds Light on Semiconductors
from the throm-throm-throm dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @11:56 (Supercomputing)

ICANN Punts on WHOIS Privacy Proposal
from the watch-out-downfield dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @12:33 (Privacy)

Why Apple Should Acquire Adobe
from the maybe-one-day-they'll-care-about-games-too dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @13:14 (Businesses)

More Solar Panel Problems For ISS
from the getting-a-bit-shadey-up-here dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @13:54 (NASA)

MS, Mozilla Clashing Over JavaScript Update
from the minor-frustration-of-the-titans dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @14:33 (Mozilla)

Wikipedia Wins Defamation Case
from the wiki-this dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @15:13 (The Internet)

Volcanoes May Have Caused Mass Extinctions?
from the can't-breath-must-snack-on-mammals dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @15:55 (Science)

New Catalyst May Be a Boost For Fuel Cells
from the don't-forget-to-reverse-the-polarity dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @16:37 (Power)

Joss Whedon Back on TV
from the dear-fox-please-don't-suck dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @17:13 (Sci-Fi)

China's President Hu Talks IT Warfare
from the reading-dilbert-in-the-trenches dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @17:57 (The Military)

The Economic Development of the Moon
from the looking-forward-to-my-io-apartment dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @18:33 (Moon)

Google's OpenSocial Platform Releases
from the everybody-needs-somebody-some-time dept.
posted by Zonk on Friday November 02, @19:28 (Google)

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