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Friday, November 2, 2007

[newsletter] ICANN Newsletter - 2 November 2007


ICANN Weekly Newsletter

News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Week ending 2 November 2007


Announcements This Week

ICANN Concludes 30th International Public Meeting

ICANN continued its work to strengthen the single, global, interoperable Internet at its just concluded 30th International Public Meeting in Los Angeles.

2 November 2007


New Chairman of ICANN Elected Unanimously

Peter Dengate Thrush, a New Zealand lawyer, has been elected unanimously as the new Chairman of the Board of ICANN.

2 November 2007


Vint Cerf Releases 'Looking Towards the Future' Statement

Vint Cerf, the retiring chairman of the board with ICANN, today released "Looking Towards the Future," his Legacy Letter to the ICANN Community.

2 November 2007


Comments Sought on Proposed Terms of Reference for Independent Review of the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC)

ICANN is seeking public comments on proposed Terms of Reference, which detail questions that would guide the independent review of ICANN's DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC).

2 November 2007


Video from Vint Cerf Tribute Released

ICANN posted the video tributes from Tuesday night's salute to retiring Board Chair Vint Cerf on its website.

1 November 2007


ICANN Keeps Building Global Relationships With Frameworks

ICANN has signed four more exchanges of letters with country code top level domain operators - bring the total to seven signed at ICANN's 30th International Public Meeting in Los Angeles.

1 November 2007


ICANN Community Thanks Vint Cerf for Extraordinary Efforts

The ICANN community came together to thank retiring chair Vint Cerf for his eight years of service on the board at a gala ceremony at the 30th International Public Meeting of ICANN.

31 October 2007


ICANN Signs Historic 30th Framework at 30th International Meeting

ICANN has signed three exchanges of letters with country code top level domain operators - including the historic 30th one - at its 30th International Public Meeting in Los Angeles.

29 October 2007


Workshop Explains New Generic Top Level Domains Framework

The nuts and bolts of the proposed policy for creating new gTLDs are being laid out today at a workshop at the 30th International Public Meeting of ICANN.

29 October 2007


ICANN Opens Historic 30th International Public Meeting in L.A.

"It's fitting to host such an historic meeting in California. ICANN will be looking at issues impacting the future of the Internet in the place where, in many ways, the Internet was born and grew up," said Dr Paul Twomey, ICANN's President and CEO.

29 October 2007


IDN Status Report

28 October 2007


ICANN in the News

These links lead to external news stories. ICANN is not responsible for the content of these pages.

Domain drain (Associated Press)

Vint Cerf steps down this week as chairman of ICANN.

2 November 2007


Net protocol to unleash explosion (The Australian)

THE biggest technology upgrade to the internet in more than 20 years will be finalised this week, preparing the World Wide Web for an explosion of new growth.

30 October 2007


ICANN at Work

ICANN staff member, Anne-Rachel Inne, attended the French Decision Makers training on Internet Governance and the Connect Africa Summit in Kigali, Rwanda between 24 and 30 October 2007. Anne-Rachel made presentations on the history of the Internet and the influence of its architecture on its governance, on GAC as an opportunity for Governments and challenges in managing ccTLDS.

ICANN is a sposnor of both events and the meetings details, including presentations and agendas are or will be available on the meetings web site at: and

Upcoming Events

4 - 6 November 2007 - WITSA's Global Public Policy Conference 2007 - Cairo, Egypt

7 - 9 November 2007 - eLAC 2007 - San Salvador, El Salvador

12 - 15 November 2007 - Internet Governance Forum 2007 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

12 - 15 November 2007 - UNESCO - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2 - 7 December 2007 - 70th IETF - Vancouver, Canada

3 - 6 December 2007 - ITU Telecom Europe 2007 - Sofia, Bulgaria

10 - 15 February 2008: 31th International Public ICANN Meeting - New Delhi, India


ICANN Bylaws

Our bylaws are very important to us. They capture our mission of security, stability and accessibility, and compel the organization to be open and transparent. Learn more at

Strategic Plan, July 2007 - June 2010

Operating Plan (Draft) Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008 [PDF, 426K]

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