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Friday, November 2, 2007

Multichannel Communication: The New Reality in CRM

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Technology White Papers & Case Studies for the Enterprise Market
 Executive White Papers & Case Studies Newsletter November 03, 2007    Vol. 1, No. 233  
  Customer Communication: Managing the Digital Deluge
RightNow Technologies
As with all things, there's a good side and a bad side—the Internet is no different. Although it improves communication between businesses and customers, it can also overwhelm customers that are bombarded with marketing e-mails on a daily basis. Customers want more convenient contact channels. Smart companies understand this and are responding by adopting a multichannel approach to customer relationship management (CRM).
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March of Dimes Follows the Path to a Paperless HR Department
iemployee (Case study)
Non-profit organization The March of Dimes realized that to continue its success, it would need to find more efficient and effective ways to work. Its human resources (HR) department was doing most of its HR and payroll processes manually—for over 1400 employees in various locations. To automate these processes, it turned to a Web-based application and has since significantly cut down on processing time and expense.
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How to Meet Regulatory Log Requirements with NetIQ
Many of today's regulations require that organizations retain, archive, and protect log data from systems, applications, and network devices, and that the log data be reviewed periodically. However, given the size and complexity of most enterprise environments, collecting and managing the sheer deluge of information is beyond the capabilities of human-based resources. Discover how NetIQ Security Manager can help.
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Technology Strategies for Integrated Business Planning: A Benchmark Report
Leading research finds that the top pressures for improving sales and operations planning (S&OP) processes include rising customer order fill rate expectations, shrinking profit margins, and customer retention challenges. However, current S&OP processes are failing to alleviate these pressures. Is your company on the wrong side of the industry benchmark? Learn what steps your company should take before it's too late.
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Selecting a Best-in-class Technology: When Enterprise Solutions Need Collaboration, Adaptability, Robustness, and Supportability
What does Visibility's .net enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution have that others don't? .NET technology. And because it contains no legacy code, it provides a system that's accessible using a web-browser and has a user interface equal in functionality to a client-server application. In fact, any client PC with Internet Explorer 5.5 or later can operate it—without compromising the quality of the user experience.
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Making Your Supply Chain a Competitive Advantage: Implementing S&OP
Supply Chain Consultants (SCC)
Improving the supply chain is essential for any company that wants to gain or maintain a competitive edge. To do this, companies are adopting sales and operations planning (S&OP) strategies. Years ago—when the pace of market change was slow—S&OP was a nice-to-have; today it's a business imperative! But it doesn't have to happen overnight. By taking a five-step approach, companies can implement S&OP at their own pace.
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  How to Buy a Phone System

How to Effectively Combat E-mail Threats

Fixed Asset Inventory Best Practices
Asset Systems


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