USATODAY.com Tech newsletter - 05/24/2007 - Updated 12:39 PM ET
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Innovative net give halibut a pass
It's called the halibut excluder a scary name for a nifty device, especially if
you're a hapless halibut caught in a cod trawl net off Kodiak Island. While
modifications are needed, the halibut excluder could fix a big problem known as
bycatch fish that are unintentionally caught.
Parents turn to kids for tech support
Children are helping Mom and Dad complete online purchases and other Internet
tasks, potentially altering family dynamics. Youthful Internet skills like these
are turning a generation of children and young teens into tech-savvy consumers,
able to shop or at least comparison shop for themselves and their families. In
the process, their cyber-assistance has the potential to alter family dynamics.
Forecast for alien worlds: Windy, hot
Astronomers are getting clearer views of alien worlds. This month, a research
team published the first ever "weather" map of an exoplanet. Another group took
the temperature of an exoplanet that glows like a hot coal. And recent data from
a planet-hunting satellite has led scientists to think that they can at last
detect exoplanets as small as Earth.
Ancestry.com posts 90M war records
On Thursday, Ancestry.com unveils more than 90 million U.S. war records from the
first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607 through the Vietnam War's end in
1975. The site also has the names of 3.5 million U.S. soldiers killed in action,
including 2,000 who died in Iraq.
PlayStation 3 upgrade enhances images
A free download upgrade for the Sony PlayStation 3 enhances the image quality of
movies and old video games and allows people to check out stored video, music
files and digital photos through the Internet with the handheld PlayStation
Google introduces search translation tools
Google planned to introduce a feature Wednesday that automatically translates
Internet search requests and results in 12 languages, underscoring the rapidly
growing company's ambitions outside the United States.
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