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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Radiation-eating Fungi
* FAA Software Aims to Make Flights Easier
* British Traffic Wardens Issued CCTV Head Cameras
* Novell Partners With EFF on Patent Busting
* OpenDNS Says Google-Dell Browser Tool is Spyware
* Dell Ships Ubuntu 7.04 PCs Today
* Why Are CC Numbers Still So Easy To Find?
* Holocaust Dropped From Some UK Schools
* Copying HD DVD, Blu-ray Discs May Become Legal
* What's Next For Google News
* Senator Warns of Email Tax This Fall
* Intel Prototypes World's Thinnest Laptop
* Survey Finds Most WordPress Blogs Vulnerable
* How Classsmate PC Stacks Up Against OLPC
* HP Skates Away From SEC Charges
* Dell Plans to Sell PCs at Wal-Mart
* Microsoft Too Busy To Name Linux Patents?
* Study Reveals What Women Want From IT Jobs
* What's the Worst Technical Feature You've Used?
* Erroneous HD DVD Report Gets Tongues Wagging
* Top 10 Dead (or Dying) Computer Skills
* Bye Bye Spam and Phishing with DKIM?
* Fill Out CAPTCHAs, Digitize Books At The Same Time
| Radiation-eating Fungi |
| from the writing-the-script-now dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 23, @21:01 (Science) |
[0]SEWilco writes "Fungus growths have been found in many extreme
environments, including the Chernobyl reactor walls. Some fungi have been
found whose [1]growth is enhanced by radiation. I wonder if someone saved
samples of the [2]MIR-eating fungi."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.wilcoxon.org/~sewilco/
2. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/10/02/191229&tid=160
| FAA Software Aims to Make Flights Easier |
| from the no-more-delays dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 23, @22:24 (Software) |
[0]coondoggie writes "The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) this week
expanded a program that it says will [1]reduce flight delays during the
peak summer season. The Airspace Flow Program gives airlines the option
of either accepting delays for flights scheduled to fly through storms or
flying longer routes to maneuver around them. The agency said that it
rolled out a new software program that ensures airports impacted by bad
weather receive the maximum number of flights that can safely fly to
Discuss this story at:
0. http://networkworld.com/
1. http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/15464
| British Traffic Wardens Issued CCTV Head Cameras |
| from the microphone-shoe-soon-to-come dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 23, @23:54 (Privacy) |
Rick writes "The Surveillance Society of Great Britain has taken another
turn for the worse, as traffic wardens in Eccles, Manchester are [0]being
issued with CCTV head sets and given the legal power to impose fines of
up to ��80 for littering and other anti social behavior"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1007/1007600_super_wardens_go_on_patrol.html
| Novell Partners With EFF on Patent Busting |
| from the strange-bedfellows dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday May 24, @03:00 (Patents) |
Seymour writes "Novell and the EFF have announced that Novell will be
contributing to the [0]EFF's Patent Busting Project. Novell will also
[1]support the EFF's efforts toward patent reform, including with the
WIPO. Could this be Novell trying to get back in the good graces of Linux
users? 'Novell's agreement with Microsoft has been a source of contention
within open source circles, with one Red Hat executive accusing the
company of appeasing Microsoft; others have accused Novell of violating
the GPL with the agreement. Either way, signing the deal with Microsoft
did a lot to sully Novell in the eyes of many Linux users, and Novell's
decision to link up with the EFF on patents may have been made with an
eye towards getting some of its street cred back with the OSS
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.eff.org/patent/
1. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070523-novell-signs-on-to-eff-patent-busting-project.html
| OpenDNS Says Google-Dell Browser Tool is Spyware |
| from the google-google-google dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday May 24, @07:57 (Google) |
[0]PetManimal writes "David Ulevitch, the founder of OpenDNS, [1]claims
that Google and Dell have placed 'spyware' on Dell computers. Ulevitch
made the claim based on his observation of the behavior of the Google
Toolbar and homepage that comes preinstalled on IE in new Dell machines.
He says that a browser redirector sends users who enter nonexistent URLs
to a Dell-branded page loaded with Google ads. Another observer, Danny
Sullivan, says that [2]this is a different result than what happens on
PCs without the redirector. However, the original article notes that
Ulevitch has a vested interest in the results of mistyped URLs."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/blog/19
1. http://computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9020919&pageNumber=1
2. http://searchengineland.com/070523-083042.php
| Dell Ships Ubuntu 7.04 PCs Today |
| from the wait-is-over dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @08:33 (Linux Business) |
[0]javipas writes "Today by 4:00 PM CST Dell will start [1] selling three
machines with Ubuntu 7.04 pre-installed. The two desktops (XPS 410n, $899
and Dimension E520n, $599) and the notebook (Inspiron E1505n, $599) will
be the first three machines with the popular Linux distribution installed
by default. There is [2]little or no price differential between the Linux
and Windows models; in fact, the entry level E520 Windows desktop is
cheaper. Dell has announced that they will provide hardware support, and
they've created [3]a new site devoted to giving further Linux support and
updates. At the moment the offer is only available in the US."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.javipas.com/
1. http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/05/24/15994.aspx
2. http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/12396/1023/
| Why Are CC Numbers Still So Easy To Find? |
| from the years'-old-hole dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @09:11 (Security) |
Frequent Slashdot contributor [0]Bennett Haselton gives the
full-disclosure treatment to the widely known and surprisingly simple
technique for finding treasure-troves of credit card numbers online. He
points out how the credit-card companies could plug this hole at trivial
expense, saving themselves untold millions in losses from bogus
transactions, and saving their customers some serious hassles. Read on
for Bennet's article.
This story continues at:
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:bennett@peacefire.org
| Holocaust Dropped From Some UK Schools |
| from the careful-you-might-offend-somebody dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @09:47 (Censorship) |
[0]dteichman2 writes "It appears that [1]some UK schools are ignoring the
Holocaust. A government-backed study, funded by the Department for
Education and Skills, found that some teachers are reluctant to teach
history lessons on [2]the Holocaust for fear of offending Muslim students
whose beliefs include Holocaust denial. Additionally, similar problems
are being encountered with lessons on [3]the Crusades because these
lessons contradict teachings from local mosques."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:danielteichman@remove.gmail.com
1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=445979&in_page_id=1770
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_crusades
| Copying HD DVD, Blu-ray Discs May Become Legal |
| from the but-it-could-cost-ya dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @10:27 (Media) |
Consumers could soon be able to [0]make several legal copies of movies
bought on HD DVD or Blu-ray Disc under a new licensing agreement now
being negotiated. Rights holders might charge more for discs that can be
copied for backup or for use on a media server, however.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/05/24/copying/index.php?lsrc=mwrss
| What's Next For Google News |
| from the love-the-traffic-but dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @11:04 (Google) |
Stony Stevenson writes in with a Computerworld interview with a Google
product manager talking about [0]what's coming up for Google News, such
as the possible addition of a video component and closer cooperation with
YouTube. "One of Google's most popular and controversial services, Google
News, is the aggregation and search site that media companies love to
hate because it has become a major source of Web traffic and frustrations
for many of them.... 'In an ideal world, Google News would show you who
broke the story and the other articles that built on that. There are
places where we're not doing that perfectly today.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;535941450;fp;;fpid;;pf;1
| Senator Warns of Email Tax This Fall |
| from the maybe-this-time-for-real dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @11:48 (The Almighty Buck) |
[0]cnet-declan writes "State and local governments in Washington this
week began an [1]all-out lobbying push for the power to tax the Internet,
according to our article at News.com. A [2]new Senate bill would usher in
Internet sales taxes, and the Federation of Tax Administrators
(representing state tax collectors) [3]advised senators at a hearing on
Wednesday not to renew a temporary moratorium limiting broadband taxes
that expires in November. One irked Republican senator warned that unless
the moratorium is renewed, we could start seeing email taxes by the end
of the year. Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey [4]blames it on the
Democrats taking over, as do [5]Yahoo and eBay lobbyists. Is this a
non-hoax version of [6]bill 602P?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.mccullagh.org/
1. http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6186193.html
2. http://politechbot.com/docs/enzi.sales.tax.bill.052407.pdf
3. http://commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=1866
4. http://news.com.com/2324-12835_3-6185539.html
5. http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6176638.html
6. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/10/09/0213204&tid=133
| Intel Prototypes World's Thinnest Laptop |
| from the guys-wouldn't-be-caught-dead dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @12:28 (Portables) |
aalobode sends us to an article up at BusinessWeek about Intel's design
for a [0]new, ultra-thin laptop ��� almost as thin as a Razr ��� designed as
a [1]fashion accessory. Intel hopes to get the high end of the laptop
market growing faster, and so they are particularly targeting female
consumers with the new model. It's unlikely that all of the advanced
features in this prototype will make it into products, and if they did
the resulting laptops would command a daunting price. One feature we can
hope makes the cut is built-in cellular Internet access. From the
article: "The result, code-named Intel mobile Metro notebook, is less
than 0.7 inches thick ��� about one-quarter of an inch thicker than
Motorola's iconic cell phone, making it the world's thinnest notebook.
And at 2.25 pounds, it's also one of the lightest small-sized portable
computers. Other features include always-on Internet connectivity via
various wireless technologies."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.businessweek.com/print/technology/content/may2007/tc20070523_272039.htm
1. http://images.businessweek.com/ss/07/05/0524_metrolaptop/index_01.htm
| Survey Finds Most WordPress Blogs Vulnerable |
| from the somehow-not-a-surprise dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Thursday May 24, @13:10 (Security) |
[0]BlogSecurity writes "Security analyst David Kierznowski shocked
bloggers yesterday with a survey showing that 49 out of the 50 WordPress
blogs he checked seem to be [1]running exploitable versions of the widely
used software. He said, 'The main concern here is the lack of security
awareness amongst bloggers with a non-technical background, and even
those with a technical background.' Mr Kierznowski also uncovered recent
[2]vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins that ship by default with the
software, adding: 'WordPress users developing plugins must be aware of
the security functions that WordPress supports, and ensure that these
functions are used in their code.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://blogsecurity.net/
1. http://blogsecurity.net/wordpress/articles/article-230507/
2. http://michaeldaw.org/papers/securing_wp_plugins/
| How Classsmate PC Stacks Up Against OLPC |
| from the cheap-laptops-go-toe-to-toe dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @13:47 (Intel) |
[0]lisah writes "While the One Laptop Per Child project pulled itself
together and [1]shipped its first Beta machines, Intel was busy
developing its own version, the Classmate PC. Inevitable comparisons will
be made between the two (especially since OLPC's chairman Nicholas
Negroponte [2]called Intel's move "predatory"), so Linux.com's Tina
Gasperson and her kids [3]took a Classmate PC for a test run to see how
it does in the real world. The upshot? Good battery life, easy to use,
and great with ketchup. 'The Classmate is so adorably cozy it make you
want to snuggle up on a comfy couch or lean back on some pillows on the
floor while you surf. Good thing wireless is built right in. Too bad the
typical Linux foibles apply. The first snag was having to log in as root
to check the system configuration because the Classmate wouldn't log on
to the network. Something tells me most elementary and high school
teachers with nothing but Windows experience aren't going to get that.'"
Linux.com and Slashdot are both owned by OSTG.
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:lisahoover@gmail.com
1. http://www.laptop.org/vision/progress/
2. http://www.olpcnews.com/commentary/press/olpc_60_minutes_video.html
3. http://enterprise.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/05/23/1827201&from=rss
| HP Skates Away From SEC Charges |
| from the that-is-some-good-lawyering-right-there dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @14:29 (HP) |
[0]theodp writes "The SEC has dropping charges against HP, in return for
some small concessions. The company was originally charged with
improperly [1]depriving investors of important information, violating the
public reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act, and failing
to disclose the full impact of an out-of-control press leak
investigation. In return for the dropped charges, the computer maker
[2]simply agreed to cease and desist from doing similar acts in the
future, without admitting or denying having done so in the past. 'HP
acted in what it believed to be a proper manner,' said the company in a
[3]press release."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:theodp@aol.com
1. http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2007/2007-103.htm
2. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/05/24/HP.TMP
3. http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/2007/070523d.html
| Dell Plans to Sell PCs at Wal-Mart |
| from the just-a-bit-outside-the-norm dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @15:16 (Businesses) |
[0]DJAdapt writes "In a departure from Dell's approach of selling
machines only directly to customers, a Dell spokesman said Thursday that
the computer maker will begin [1]selling two of its Dimension desktop
computers in about 3,000 Wal-Marts beginning June 10. Dell spokesman
Dwayne Cox said the Wal-Mart deal 'represents our first step' into global
retail. 'Customers want more and new ways to buy our products, and we
plan on meeting their needs on a global level,' Cox said. 'Offering Dell
Dimensions in Wal-Mart is a great example of this approach.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:djadapt@gmail.com
1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18845098/
| Microsoft Too Busy To Name Linux Patents? |
| from the that's-awful-busy dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @15:56 (Patents) |
bob_dinosaur writes "According to The Register, Microsoft's Patent
Attorney Jim Markwith told the Open Source Business Conference that the
reason they hadn't named the supposedly infringing patents was that it
would be '[0]administratively impossible to keep up' with the list.
'According to Ramji, the executive tasked with the difficult job of
straddling Microsoft's growing support for open source in server and
tools, and aggressive and unpredictable statements from management on
patents, made a jaw dropping attempt to explain away the Forbes article.
"The reason we disclosed that, is because there was a request for
transparency following the Novell deal Iast November. This was a response
to that transparency," Ramji said. It was at that point the OSBC audience
erupted.'" That transparency apparently extends to multiple levels. ZDNet
is reporting that [1]Novell will share the details of its agreement with
Microsoft sometime in the near future.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/05/24/microsoft_novell_patents/
1. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/itmanagement/0,1000000308,39287215,00.htm?r=3
| Study Reveals What Women Want From IT Jobs |
| from the big-fans-of-lan-parties dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @16:33 (Businesses) |
[0]amigoro writes "Ever wonder why there are so few women in the IT
workplace? It turns out that the typical recruiters sales pitch, which
emphasizing job promotion and security, [1]acts to keep women out of the
information technology jobs. While about 30 percent indicated they valued
careers that afforded them opportunities to perfect skills in technical
areas, others said they wanted careers with managerial opportunities. In
addition, there was little overlap among the women who reported that
managers give up technical skills to develop management skills."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://groundviews.org/
1. http://pressesc.com/01180028610_what_women_want_IT_jobs
| What's the Worst Technical Feature You've Used? |
| from the if-they-were-fruit-they'd-be-lemons dept. |
| posted by Cliff on Thursday May 24, @16:56 (Quickies) |
kooky45 asks: "In an effort to make our lives easier and more
entertaining, technology designers pack more and more features into
electronic devices, but often they're more nuisance than they're worth.
[0]An earlier article on LEDs discussed some of these. Another example is
my Nokia 6320i mobile phone which has a back lit screen that drains the
battery life at an alarming rate. When the phone is not in use the back
light is off; if the battery starts to run low, it gives me regular
warnings by beeping and turning the back light on! What other examples of
designer stupidity have you seen?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/14/1748229&tid=184
| Erroneous HD DVD Report Gets Tongues Wagging |
| from the big-fan-of-common-sense dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @17:10 (Media) |
An anonymous reader writes "HD DVD fans learned a valuable lesson in
'don't believe everything you read' this week, after the trade
publication Home Media Magazine reported that the HD DVD camp planned to
[0]release more than 20x the number of releases planned on Blu-ray
through the end of 2007. The suggestion was so preposterous that even the
official HD DVD Promotions Group (which has the most to gain from the
spread of such misinformation) has requested a correction. 'Contacted for
comment, the HD DVD Promotional Group told us that the Home Media
Magazine report was incorrect. The group says it "conservatively"
projects a worldwide total of 600 HD DVD releases for the entirety of
2007, and that the error in the report appeared to stem from a slide in
an HD DVD powerpoint presentation that listed the cumulative number of
titles by month for 2006. The Home Media Magazine report also quoted a
Blu-ray spokesperson as saying that Blu-ray-affiliated studios will
release a total of 43 titles in 2007. This number also appears to be
incorrect, given that 160 titles have already been announced through
September in the U.S. alone.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hddvd.highdefdigest.com/news/show/651
| Top 10 Dead (or Dying) Computer Skills |
| from the old-learning dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @17:54 (Education) |
[0]Lucas123 writes "Computerworld reporter Mary Brandel spoke with
academics and head hunters to compile [1]this list of computer skills
that are dying but may not yet have taken their last gasp. The article's
message: Obsolescence is a relative ��� not absolute ��� term in the world of
technology. 'In the early 1990s, it was all the rage to become a
Certified NetWare Engineer, especially with Novell Inc. enjoying 90%
market share for PC-based servers. "It seems like it happened overnight.
Everyone had Novell, and within a two-year period, they'd all switched to
NT," says David Hayes, president of HireMinds LLC in Cambridge, Mass.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com/
| Bye Bye Spam and Phishing with DKIM? |
| from the teflon-for-your-mailbox dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @18:35 (Spam) |
[0]ppadala writes "While research from [1]PEW Internet (PDF) shows that
few users really are bothered by spam, IETF is supporting a public key
cryptographic based e-mail authentication mechanism called [2]DomainKeys
Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures . The new spec is supposed to help in
[3]fighting both spam and fraud. From [4]Ars Technica: 'DKIM's precursor,
DomainKeys, was originally developed by Yahoo. The specifications for
DKIM were then extended by an informal group of IT organizations that
included companies like Yahoo, Cisco, EarthLink, Microsoft, and VeriSign,
among others. It was first submitted by the group to the IETF in
mid-2005, but only recently published by the IETF. The spec is still to
be incorporated into a more formal draft and submitted for approval,
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~ppadala
1. http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Spam_May_2007.pdf
2. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4871.txt
| Fill Out CAPTCHAs, Digitize Books At The Same Time |
| from the i-would-like-to-subscribe-to-your-newsletter dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Thursday May 24, @19:15 (The Internet) |
alphadogg wrote with a link to a Networld article about a noble endeavor:
[0]putting CAPTCHAs to work for the good of humanity. A scientist at
Carnegie Mellon is looking to create a new type of security check that
will assist in a project meant to digitize and make searchable text from
books and printed materials. Above and beyond that, the offering would
probably be more secure than most current systems. "Instead of requiring
visitors to retype random numbers and letters, they would retype text
that otherwise is difficult for the optical character recognition systems
to decipher when being used to digitize books and other printed
materials. The translated text would then go toward the digitization of
the printed material on behalf of the Internet Archive project."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/15522
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