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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Update On Free Linux Driver Development
* Small Webcasters Offered a Rate Break, Reject It
* Robot Submarine Maps World's Deepest Sinkhole
* Google Bans Ads For Essay-Writing Services
* FBI Target Puts His Life Online
* Congress Debating "No-Work" Database
* Apple Sued Over 'Lacking' Macbook Display
* Student in Court Over Suspension For YouTube Video
* Is Linux Out of Touch With the Average User?
* AllofMP3 Voucher Resellers Quit After Police Raid
* Female Sharks Can Reproduce Alone
* Michigan Man Charged for Using Free WiFi
* High Paying Jobs in Math and Science?
* Ubuntu Founder Says Microsoft Not A Big Threat
* Should Games Be More Boring?
* Taiwanese Company to Mass Produce Rewritable HD Discs
* Polyethylene Bulletproof Vests Better Than Kevlar
* The Myths of Innovation
* Performance Tuning Subversion
* Feedburner Sale to Google Confirmed
* New DX10 Benchmarks Do More Bad than Good
* Slingbox Comes to the Mac
* Jack Thompson Sues Microsoft
* The Man Who Owns the Internet
| Update On Free Linux Driver Development |
| from the i'll-have-one-with-sprinkles dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 22, @20:48 (Slashback) |
Remember the offer Greg Kroah-Hartman made earlier this year, to get
[0]Linux drivers written for free for any company that wanted them? Now
an anonymous reader points us to an article up on linuxworld with an
[1]update to this program. Greg K-H, who leads the development of several
kernel subsystems including USB and PCI, admits that the January offer
was a bit of "marketing hype" ��� but says it has brought companies and
developers together anyway. Twelve companies have said "yes please," one
driver is already in the kernel, and five more are in the pipeline.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/30/044203&tid=162
1. http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;58590129;fp;16;fpid;0
| Small Webcasters Offered a Rate Break, Reject It |
| from the hoping-for-a-better-deal-from-Congress dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 22, @22:05 (Music) |
Pontifex minimus writes "Music royalty collection group SoundExchange has
[0]offered an olive branch to small webcasters. They are willing to delay
the [1]exorbitant new rates set by the Copyright Royalty Board until 2010
for small webcasters in hopes that they can keep Congress from passing
the [2]Internet Radio Equality Act. Larger outfits, like Live365 and
Pandora would not be affected and would have to pay the new rates.
'"Although the rates revised by the CRB are fair and based on the value
of music in the marketplace, there's a sense in the music community and
in Congress that small webcasters need more time to develop their
businesses," said John Simson, executive director of SoundExchange.'
SaveNetRadio rejected SoundExchange's offer, saying that it 'throws large
webcasters under the bus.'"
Discuss this story at:
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/03/04/0930245&tid=141
2. http://politics.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/04/27/0334203&tid=95
| Robot Submarine Maps World's Deepest Sinkhole |
| from the submerge-the-Chrysler-Building dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 22, @23:30 (Robotics) |
holy_calamity writes "The [0]world's deepest water-filled sinkhole has
finally been mapped ��� by a robotic submarine whose descendants may one
day swim on one of Jupiter's moons. The last attempt to find the bottom
resulted in the SCUBA diving depth record and the death of a [1]diving
legend. The sub's sonar found that the divers had descended to only about
10m from the floor. The sub's mapping also indicated that the sinkhole,
which is over 300m deep, could connect to even deeper caves."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn11890-robotic-submarine-reaches-new-depths.html
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheck_Exley
| Google Bans Ads For Essay-Writing Services |
| from the write-it-yourself dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Wednesday May 23, @02:48 (Google) |
llamapalooza writes "Google announced that it will [0]ban essay writing
firms from advertising on their site. (The [1]prevalence of cheating on
campuses has been discussed here before.) While universities have
welcomed the move, the affected firms are claiming it will 'punish
legitimate businesses.' Google has specifically banned 'academic
paper-writing services and the sale of pre-written essays, theses, and
dissertations,' which now join other items on the banned list such as
tobacco, drugs, weapons, and prostitution."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/6680457.stm
1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/09/17/027202&tid=146
| FBI Target Puts His Life Online |
| from the go-ahead-investigate dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Wednesday May 23, @04:54 (Privacy) |
After the FBI mistakenly targeted him as a terror suspect five years ago,
art professor Hasan Elahi began [0]recording his entire life online for
the perusal of government agents or anyone else who wants to look in.
"I've discovered that the best way to protect your privacy is to give it
away," he says, grinning. "It's economics. I flood the market."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/15-06/ps_transparency
| Congress Debating "No-Work" Database |
| from the try-getting-off-that-list dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Wednesday May 23, @08:02 (United States) |
grag writes "Cnet is reporting that the US Congress, in their quest for
immigration reform, seeks to force employers to utilize a [0]database to
determine a person's eligibility for employment. The Department of
Homeland Security would operate the database and would be given access to
IRS records for this purpose. The article mentions similarities between
this proposal and the [1]no-fly list ��� and the expectation of similar
difficulties the proposed database could pose to valid people seeking
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6185466.html
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/08/2042247&tid=158
| Apple Sued Over 'Lacking' Macbook Display |
| from the going-to-sue-mcdonalds-next-because-their-sauce-isn't-sp|
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @09:03 (Displays) |
[0]qu1j0t3 writes "Business 2.0 reports that two MacBook owners have
filed [1]a class action lawsuit charging Apple with deceptive advertising,
as well as misrepresentation and unfair competition over the use of the
phrase 'millions of colors' to describe the capability of the LCD
displays in MacBook and MacBook Pro computers. The article likens the
complaint to an an angry forum thread, and is more than a little bit
skeptical of the plaintiff's motives. Perhaps it's their uncanny
attention to detail. From the filing: 'The reality is that
notwithstanding Apple's misrepresentations and suggestions that its
MacBook and MacBook Pro display millions of colors, the displays are only
capable of displaying the illusion of millions of colors through the use
of a software technique referred to as dithering, which causes nearby
pixels on the display to use slightly varying shades of colors that trick
the human eye into perceiving the desired color even though it is not
truly that color.'
Discuss this story at:
0. http://telegraphics.com.au/
1. http://blogs.business2.com/apple/2007/05/behind_the_appl.html
| Student in Court Over Suspension For YouTube Video |
| from the don't-bite-the-hand-that-grades-you dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @09:41 (Education) |
kozmonaut writes "A model student is in court this week over 40-day
suspension for [0]posting a mocking in-class video to YouTube of
'Mongzilla', a high school english teacher. The student is arguing he had
First Amendment rights to publish the video, though it was filmed without
permission in the classroom. 'Kent School District lawyer Charles Lind
says the suspension had nothing to do with online criticism of the
teacher. Rather, it was punishment for the disruption created by the
students secreting a video camera into Joyce Mong's class and dancing in
a mocking, disrespectful manner while her back was turned. "It's quite
clear that the district is talking about conduct in the classroom and not
the videotape," Lind said.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/316618_youtube22.html
| Is Linux Out of Touch With the Average User? |
| from the games-may-have-something-to-do-with-this dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @10:16 (Linux) |
MrSmith writes "Is Linux's less than impressive market share an
indication that the movement is out of touch with the average computer
user? ZDNet examines five reasons that could explain [0]why people are
still willing to pay for (or pirate) an operating system when free
alternatives exist. One of the reasons seems to be that despite what many
Linux advocates claim, Windows users aren't on the whole dissatisfied
with their OS: 'Despite what you read on websites and blogs, newspapers
and magazines, people on the whole aren't all that dissatisfied with
Windows. There are millions of users out there who just get on and use
their PCs without any real difficulty.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=420
| AllofMP3 Voucher Resellers Quit After Police Raid |
| from the squash-enough-bugs-and-the-hive-dies dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @11:07 (Music) |
Broohaha writes "Europeans who resell AllofMP3.com vouchers are
[0]quitting the business after a UK raid against one prominent reseller
there. An Ars Technica article talks to several of them about their
situations. 'Until a few days ago, I had never heard of the IFPI [the
international music trade group],' said one reseller. 'But yes, I am
concerned about them now. Although my attorney assures me that reselling
gift certificates bought from AllOfMP3.com isn't breaking any laws, it
isn't worth the possibility of engagement with their legal machine.' The
music industry seems determined to choke off AllofMP3's funding, no
matter how small the source."
Discuss this story at:
| Female Sharks Can Reproduce Alone |
| from the i-thought-the-federal-government-banned-cloning dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @11:43 (Biotech) |
[0]mikesd81 writes "The Washington Post has an article about a team of
American and Irish researchers that have discovered that some [1]female
sharks can reproduce without having sex, the first time that scientists
have found the unusual capacity in such an ancient vertebrate species.
Their report concludes that sharks can reproduce asexually through the
process known as [2]parthenogenesis (the growth and development of an
embryo or seed without fertilization by a male). Scientists started
investigating after a female hammerhead shark was mysteriously born at
Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo in a tank that housed 3 female sharks. It was
originally thought one had stored sperm from a male shark before
fertilizing an egg. However, baby shark's genetic makeup perfectly
matched one of the females in the tank, with no sign of a male parent."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:mikesdNO@SPAMptd.net
1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/22/AR2007052201405.html
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis
| Michigan Man Charged for Using Free WiFi |
| from the watch-where-you-wardrive dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @12:24 (The Courts) |
Nichole writes "Sam Peterson II was charged with [0]unauthorized use of
computer access for using a coffee shop's free WiFi. He is facing a 5
year felony charge and a $10,000 fine but apparently got off lucky and
received only a $400 fine and 40 hours of community service because he
was a first time offender. 'it seems few in the village of Sparta, Mich.,
were aware that using an unsecured Wi-Fi connection without the owner's
permission--a practice known as piggybacking--was a felony. Each day
around lunch time, Sam Peterson would drive to the Union Street Cafe,
park his car and--without actually entering the coffee shop--check his
e-mail and surf the Net. His ritual raised the suspicions of Police Chief
Andrew Milanowski, who approached him and asked what he was doing.
Peterson, probably not realizing that his actions constituted a crime,
freely admitted what he was doing ... [the officer] didn't immediately
cite or arrest Peterson, mostly because he wasn't certain a crime had
been committed.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.com.com/8301-10784_3-9722006-7.html
| High Paying Jobs in Math and Science? |
| from the they-gotta-be-somewhere dept. |
| posted by Cliff on Wednesday May 23, @12:24 (Businesses) |
An anonymous reader asks: "Where are the high paying jobs for those who
are good in math and science? I've heard about math and science shortages
for almost two decades now, and I was wondering what high salary/high
demand jobs have resulted from these shortages. Most science majors I
know actually make less than teachers (in Texas teachers make $38-40K to
start for nine months of work). In terms of money, what career would you
pursue coming out of college right now with a math or science degree?"
Discuss this story at:
| Ubuntu Founder Says Microsoft Not A Big Threat |
| from the my-buddy-and-me dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @13:04 (Microsoft) |
[0]Golygydd Max writes "Who says that Microsoft and open source
developers are enemies? It's not Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth. He
says that Microsoft is [1]not the patent threat Linux and open source
developers should be worried about, and that the software giant will
itself be fighting against the software patents system within a few
years. 'He said the most dangerous litigants are companies not themselves
in the software business, small ventures or holding companies that get
their principal revenue from patent licensing. He singled out former
Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold and his company Intellectual Ventures,
which is stockpiling patents at a rate that alarms large companies such
as IBM and HP, as an example of such a potentially dangerous company.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:max@techworld.com
1. http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?newsID=8901
| Should Games Be More Boring? |
| from the are-talking-like-drake-and-the-ninety-nine-dragons-borin|
| posted by Zonk on Wednesday May 23, @13:33 (Programming) |
An anonymous reader writes "At Gamasutra, serious games creator Ian
Bogost is [0]making the case that video games should be more mundane,
particularly discussing of Nintendo' Brain Age: 'It's certainly a very
different kind of game from Halo or even Miyamoto's own Zelda series,
games that allow the player to inhabit complex fantasy worlds. Instead,
much of Brain Age's success seems to come precisely from the ordinariness
of its demands.' Would games become more accessible if they tapped into
everyday things a little bit more, as opposed to spiralling off into
fictional realities?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1417/persuasive_games_why_we_need_more_.php?page=3
| Taiwanese Company to Mass Produce Rewritable HD Discs |
| from the places-to-put-your-stuff dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @13:45 (Media) |
[0]Lucas123 writes "Ritek Corp. plans to start mass producing [1]BD-RE
and HD DVD-RE next quarter. 'Initially, however, BD-RE and HD DVD-RE
discs will be pricey. The average cost per disc will remain around $10 in
retail outlets, despite production costs of around $5 per disc, said Eric
Ai, a Ritek representative. Prices won't likely come down until other
mass disc producers in Taiwan win accreditation to make the discs, and
ramp up volumes.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.computerworld.com/
| Polyethylene Bulletproof Vests Better Than Kevlar |
| from the hard-wear dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @14:27 (Science) |
teflonscout writes "When I think of bulletproof vests, the first word
that comes to mind is Kevlar. Wired is running a story on Dynema SB61, a
[0]bulletproof material that is made of polyethylene. It is a higher
grade of the plastic found in Tupperware. The story also mentions the
recall of Second Chance bulletproof vests that were made from Zylon, a
material that degraded slowly when exposed to moisture. At least one
police officer [1]was injured when a bullet penetrated his Zylon vest.
Polyethylene is impervious to moisture. The first vests made from this
new material are 5mm thick and can [2]stop a 9mm bullet traveling at 1777
feet per second, which is slightly better than other top of the line
Discuss this story at:
0. http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/05/new_material_fo.html
1. http://starbulletin.com/2003/10/30/news/story1.html
2. http://www.americanbodyarmor.com/products/ballistics.asp
| The Myths of Innovation |
| from the 90%-perspiration dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 23, @15:07 (Book Reviews) |
[0]cgjherr writes "Ah, the technology history book, normally I'm not a
fan. The writing is aloof and dry. The topics are vague, the history
misinterpreted, and the lessons presented too vague to be applicable. And
don't get me started on the illustrations, which are all too often
pyramids with the authors perched at the top looking down on the lowly
reader at the base. Thankfully, this book, "the myths of innovation"
breaks all of these rules. It's an engaging, fun and quick read. The
history is interesting, and the lessons presented are practical. I
particularly like the author's tone. It's witty and light. Which makes
this a very fast read, one that leaves you wanting even more by the end."
Read below for the rest of Jack's review.
This story continues at:
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:jherr@pobox.com
| Performance Tuning Subversion |
| from the geek-tweaks dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @15:49 (Programming)|
[0]BlueVoodoo writes "Subversion is one of the few version control
systems that can store binary files using a delta algorithm. In this
article, senior developer David Bell explains why Subversion's
performance suffers when handling binaries and suggests several ways to
[1]work around the problem."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:doccalypso@hotmail.com
1. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-svnbins.html?ca=dgr-lnxw01javapts
| Feedburner Sale to Google Confirmed |
| from the going-going-gone dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @16:32 (Google) |
Techdirt is reporting that the rumored [0]sale of Feedburner to Google
has been confirmed. "Feedburner is in the closing stages of being
acquired by Google for around $100 million. The deal is all cash and
mostly upfront, according to our source, although the founders will be
locked in for a couple of years."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/05/23/100-million-payday-for-feedburner-this-deal-is-confirmed/
| New DX10 Benchmarks Do More Bad than Good |
| from the who-can-you-trust dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @17:15 (Hardware) |
[0]NIMBY writes "An interesting editorial over at PC Perspective looks at
the changing status between modern [1]game developers and companies like
AMD and NVIDIA that depend on their work to show off their products.
Recently, both AMD and NVIDIA separately helped in releasing DX10
benchmarks based on upcoming games that show the other hardware vendor in
a negative light. But what went on behind the scenes? Can any
collaboration these companies use actually be trusted by reviewers and
the public to base a purchasing decision on? The author thinks the one
source of resolution to this is have honest game developers take a stance
for the gamer."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.pcper.com/
1. http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=408
| Slingbox Comes to the Mac |
| from the slung-like-a-cable-box dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @18:02 (Television) |
[0]Egadfly writes "The Slingbox has [1]arrived for the Mac world. Some
long delays during development now seem over. Sling Media has finally
released version 1.0 of their software for Mac OSX. This means that,
after buying and installing the Slingbox, Mac users can 'sling' their
home cable and satellite signals to themselves at the airport, or in a
caf�� hotspot, or over their office computers. The article on
SlingCommunity.com gives the details of the software's development ��� from
last year's [2]much-discussed beta to today's v1.0. Screenshots show how
a standard-looking "[3]TV remote," displayed onscreen, allows the Mac
users to change channels or browse Tivo recordings over the Internet,
many miles from their living rooms."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://slingcommunity.com/
1. http://www.slingcommunity.com/article/22274/SlingPlayer-Comes-to-the-Mac-/
2. http://www.slingcommunity.com/forum/topic/35/SlingPlayer-for-Mac/
3. http://www.slingcommunity.com/downloads/slingarticleimages/22274/22274-7.jpg
| Jack Thompson Sues Microsoft |
| from the try-not-to-get-laughed-out-of-court-again dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday May 23, @18:43 (Microsoft) |
An anonymous reader writes to mention that Jack Thompson, in his latest
bout of zealotry, has [0]set his sights on Microsoft for their recent
release of Halo 3. GameAlmighty has posted the letter to Bill Gates.
"Here's the deal, Mr. Gates: Either Microsoft undertakes dramatic, real
steps, through its marketing, wholesale, and retail operations to assure
that Halo 3 is not sold, via the Internet and in stores, directly to
anyone under 17, or I shall proceed to make sure that Microsoft is held
to that standard by appropriate legal means. I have done that before
successfully as to Best Buy, and I shall do so again as to Microsoft and
all retailers of Halo 3."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gamealmighty.com/story-individual/story/Jack_Thompson_Lays_His_Legal_Sites_on_Halo_3/
| The Man Who Owns the Internet |
| from the what-a-way-to-make-a-living dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 23, @19:46 (Businesses) |
[0]Tefen writes "CNN Money posted this story about Kevin Ham, who has
[1]made a fortune gobbling up lapsed domain names and has recently
launched a lucrative business partnership with Cameroon, the country
which controls the .cm TLD. Since 2000 he has quietly cobbled together a
portfolio of some 300,000 domains that, combined with several other
ventures, generate an estimated $70 million a year in revenue."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://beerguidebook.com/
1. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2007/06/01/100050989/index.htm
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