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Thursday, May 24, 2007 NEWS: May 24, 2007

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Bookmark for creative curriculum resources. May 24, 2007
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Attention all elementary schools! Enter the Make a Splash Sweepstakes for a chance to win a $2,500 donation for swimming or physical education programs and $2,500 in Discovery Education products. In addition, you could win a family trip to the 2007 USA Swimming National Championships! For complete rules, water safety curriculum, and sweepstakes entry, visit Hurry, sweepstakes ends May 31!


Teacher Feature  American Geography

American GeographyTake a ride through the Pacific Northwest while exploring the geographical landscapes of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. Use the featured video clips, lesson plans, discussion guide, and activities.

Classroom Activity

The States of the Pacific Region

Show the "The States of the Pacific Region" segment from the The Pacific Region of the United States, Part One: Coastal Geography, Cities, and Early History video.

Assignment Discovery Assignment Discovery airs weekdays at 5 a.m. ET/PT, 4 a.m. CT, and 6 a.m. MT on the Discovery Channel.

Discovering Language Arts I
Learn the basics of grammar, style, structure and the techniques of fact finding to become a better writer.

Mon. 5/28/07 —  Discovering Language Arts: Grammatically Correct
Tue. 5/29/07 —  Discovering Language Arts: Writing With Style
Wed. 5/30/07 —  Discovering Language Arts: Facing the Facts
Thu. 5/31/07 —  Discovering Language Arts: State Your Purpose
Fri. 6/1/07 —  Discovering Language Arts: Write Stuff

Teacher's Store

Explore the states of the Pacific region — California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii — a geographic expanse that includes the most geographically diverse landscapes in the United States.
Over 200 New Products Available!
Video on Demand

  Learn More 

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Discovery Education unitedstreaming Plus extends the Discovery Education unitedstreaming video-on-demand library by giving you unitedstreaming plus a huge selection of digital resources from AIMS Multimedia, Clearvue & SVE, and PBS®.

Thousands of resources extend unitedstreaming's scope and sequence coverage for all K12 curricular areas, enhancing classrooms with even more rich, unique digital content that's appropriate for what you are teaching.

Districts enjoy greater value with this expanded service, which provides even more choices that are appropriate for what educators are teaching.

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