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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Amit, if you ignore your debt you can lose your home

Hi Amit,

After having advised thousands of people over the years on
how to manage their debt, I can safely say the biggest
mistake people make is simply "ignoring it".


If you have unsecured debt then you can expect endless
pursuit from professional debt collectors (either "in house"
with the company you owe, or "3rd party").

These companies will NEVER leave you alone. They make their
profits collecting money from you. And they can make your
life pure HELL.

If you have secured debt, then you can lose your home, it's
as simple as that.

Are you ignoring your debt?

If so then you are making a mistake that WILL cost you dear.
You have to deal with debt, and the faster you act the

Contact one of our professionals NOW for a free consultation
and we can advise you:

Best Regards,

Jason Walker.
"How To Beat Debt"

P.S. It doesn't matter what type of financial worry you
have, we can help. We have huge experience with bankruptcy,
IVA's, debt management, loans etc. and have helped many
people just like you beat debt and recover their lives.
If you're in debt, contact us NOW for a free consultation
and learn what options you have:

1285 Baring Blvd #182
Sparks, Nevada

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